Monday, July 27, 2015

#4 Go zip lining

Thanks to my good friends Hanna and Tony Bach I got to experience a zip lining tour this weekend. This is something I've wanted to try for a very long time and it really met all of my expectations.

Zip lining was a crazy roller coaster of super excitement and then boredom waiting for your turn again. The rush is so quick like 5 to 15 seconds then 10 to 15 minutes before you get to go again.
Canopy Tours NW did a great job of filling that wait period with fun facts at each station. While you're waiting there were these great excerpts giving the history of the island and information about the trees you're standing in. There were a couple of fun bonus stations too. We got to stumble across a rope bridge and be lowered down elevator style from a huge tree.

The group Tony and I were in was a neat mix of young and old. We had a 13 year old celebrating his birthday with his mother. A family of four with teenagers having a nice bonding experience. And a group of "golden girls" who provided an interesting dynamic. The group leaders were a couple of great really enthusiastic guys who made the tour a blast. James was a retired navy officer, maybe in his 40's who did this as a fun side job. You'd never guess he was a military guy. A few years flying  around tree tops must have swung it right out of him. The other guy was Dave, I've never met a Dave that didn't have a smile on his face. Dave took his time getting to know each of us riders and making sure that we were all safe. They had a three system safety check that did take away a little of the danger element but it was still fun. Standing 65' up in a tree top canopy can give you a bit of a rush just looking down. However, I never once felt like I was in danger. I'd say those guys did a great job keeping things moving and positive. During some of the hiking parts of the tour Dave taught us about berries and showed us where to pick them.

For a 3 hour tour it didn't seem long enough. As much fun as it was zip lining leaves you wanting more. I definitely want to try their night tour which sounded great. I guess you get to go through the pitch black woods with only a head lamp and some LED's on your body. I'd love to do it again and with the added rush of night and the unexpected I think that would create another level to an already intense experience.

Things I learned today

What the difference is between a red huckleberry and a salmon berry

There is an odd phenomenon killing starfish that been occurring in the last two years called sea star wasting syndrome

Life is about hanging on for the ride and letting go of your fears

It's okay to leave your safety net as long as you have a few systems to back you up

Cherish your friends and enjoy the fun times with them because as we get older we don't get as many opportunities for those moments together

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